Your gestures become the show

Tell us a bit about you?

My name is Andrea Baldereschi. I spent my whole life in music: producing, djing and collaborating with awesome musicians. When I was 19 I spent 12 days at rank 1 in the Beatport world top 10 with the song “Swahili Song”.

After that I started studying engineering pretty seriously and 2 years ago I started focusing on Remidi. Fortunately, I had the chance to put together an amazing team composed of 3 other pure spaghetti-eaters and one original texan engineer: they’re the most amazing partners that I could ever asked for!


REMIDI T8 is the first wearable midi-controller. How does it work?

The Remidi T8 has two components: a wristband and a glove. The wristband hosts the control center, made from ABS ultra-light plastic, two switches, an encoder, and a magnetic strap. The double-layered, stretchable, Spandex glove holds a proprietary Skeleton Sensor. The glove and the wristband get easily plugged to each other through the magnetic connector on the back of the hand. The two are joined with a light-weight, quick connect magnet on the back of your hand. Download the intuitive Remidi integrated app, connect through Bluetooth and you’re ready to integrate the T8 into your live performance or simply create music on-the-go by downloading hundreds of Remix-Packs, whenever and wherever you want.


What can be done with T8 exactly?

It’s the first device that allows you to use your hand as an expressive musical device by combining sounds with your fingertips, palm and hand motion. With virtually no learning curve, T8’s light, easy to use, and perfectly integrates with the top music/video softwares and apps in the market.


What materials and technologies are used and built into your design/glove?

The glove is made out of smart-textiles and textiles combined with a few basic electronic components. The bracelet is made out of ABS ultra-light plastic and silicon.


Is this glove compatible with all software? Tell us more about your app.

The T8 is compatible with all the MIDI software and apps on planet. This means that Reason, Traktor, Live, FL Studio and many others can be easily used. On the other hand, we provide a free integrated app to buyers that allows to remix tracks, record and shares songs on-the-go.



Where do you get your inspiration from? What was the source of this idea?

Everything started because I was super passionated about music but I didn’t find the right way to express my creativity and to interact with sound. The idea of turning the natural gestures of the human hand into music was the most intuitive way I found to interact with music as never before.


Where could we get T8?

It’s right now on Kickstarter: http://kck.st/1olobsZ . Later on, it will be available on our website: www.remidi-pro.com


What have been the technical production difficulties that you have faced?

They were enormous. In general, designing, creating and crafting a product that none has never done before is pretty hard. Every component has their own story and needs to be identified, tested and integrated with the others. Fortunately, all this work is a great chance to put together a completely new knowledge that is precious, not only for the music market.


You recently received the Grand Prix award during the Weareable FashionTech Festival. What do you think about that ?

Loved it! It was great to spend two days in Paris, I had a lot of fun and reminded me of one of the most significant years of my life (I did my erasmus there!). The event was fantastic and well organized. I’m so sorry I wasn’t brave enough to speak french again, but after 5 years it would have been hard!



Finally, what does technology add to fashion?

Everything. Simply everything. We realize it every time that we have to take a decision: from design to packaging, from distribution to marketing. We’re part of a whole new segment of market that is taking life and that is completely changing the way we think about clothing.

Who knows how tomorrow’s T-shirts will be? Tomorrow’s gloves? We’re just a tiny point in a new ocean of ideas and creativity: we’re so happy to be a part of it!


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Your gestures become the show

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